
Saturday, August 20, 2011

Good Morning America recently reported a story on a mother of an eight year old who was injecting her child with Botox. Yes...Botox. Here is the story:

This story is extremely frustrating and my heart aches for this little girl. Child Protective Services is investigating the mother after this was aired and the little girl was taken away from her mother but I'm not sure what the outcome was.

What I do know is these pageants are getting way out of hand. These little girls are already beautiful and it makes me so sad to hear that the mothers are giving them things to make them "more beautiful". Where and when is there going to be a line drawn??? Why can't these kids just do pageants and not have to change the way they look? I do understand there is competitiveness and the mothers are trying to give their children everything to compete that the other little girls have. However, as a mother you have to have your morals and know when enough is enough. Even more so, the pageant officials should NOT be allowing these things to happen. Maybe they do not know a lot of the mothers are doing this, but I'm sure if other mothers are able to hear about it the officials know too.

There has got to be a line drawn. What is happening to these little girls is so sad and this has to be stopped. 

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