
Monday, March 26, 2012

Music Video Monday!!!! :)

Hello all!!

I wanted to find a music video for today that was motivating and positive to start out the week. I then remembered a song my sister Kristy put on a CD for me one time. It is Mary J Blige's song Just Fine. AWESOME song and the video is great too. I love the first part where she says "You know I love music." and then goes on to say..."This song right here makes me wanna....WOOOOOH!!!" Haha it really does!! :)

Anytime you are in a funk or can't get out of a cruddy mood, play this song!! Really though, you can play any song of hers and you will be in a better mood. I just love Mary J. :)

Although I do believe to fully grow in life you must make changes, I also believe that life is about accepting what you DO have. Remembering that your life is just fine and keep focussed on the blessings in your life. Just as Mary says, there is no time for negative turn your head and stay focussed on what is good. The more you have a positive attitude and see the good, the more the good will come to you. It is hard sometimes, but the more you practice staying positive and seeing the good side of what comes your way, the better you will be at it.

I recently had to overcome worrying about what others say. I realized in my life I was not able to do anything unless I first knew what others thought about it. If they thought it was a good idea I would move on it, but the minute someone said something negative I would immediately change my mind. It overcame my life!! I was so worried about pleasing everyone and what everyone else thought. Then one day I realized I had completely lost myself. Let me tell you, loosing yourself is one of the worst things. I didn't even know what it was I wanted anymore!

After coming to this realization I now am taking life day by day. Focussing on the good and listening to my inner voice. Not worrying so much about what others are doing and what they think, but rather what I want to do and what I think. I appreciate everyone's wisdom, but sometimes you have to learn from your own mistakes. That is life. Plus, everyone's journey is different. What didn't work for them may have not been God's plan for them. How do you know if it isn't in His plan for your life if you don't try it yourself?

On the same note, you can't worry about what everyone else is doing and try and push your advice on them. Falling down is hard, but seeing people you care about falling down is just as hard...if not harder. Sometimes you have to allow them to fall though. If you don't then they wont ever learn their life lessons and you are also taking away their confidence if you are constantly trying to tell them what to do and not to do. If they think you don't think they can do it or if you are constantly pointing out the negatives to them, then they will do the same not only to situations...but to themselves. Worrying will really will get you nowhere. Most of the time the things you worry about never happen...or they do happen because you in some weird way made it happen from thinking about it so much. So just as Mary says, don't worry about what others are going to do, stay classy and stay focussed on being the best you can be. Send out positive vibes, smile and just breath. Appreciate what you do have and stop thinking, I will be happy when _____ . Remember, life on this earth will never be perfect, so choose to be happy right now. My life is Just Fine!!! :)

I hope you all enjoy the video and have a great week!! Oh and I have a question, does anyone know how to allow comments on a blog? For some reason mine does not work. If you do know how, please email me at I would really appreciate the help because I want to hear what people have to say and I have not been able to figure out how to fix this.

Thanks for reading my blog!!



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